Time-Saving Sales Tools
You Can Start Using for Free

Get notified the moment a lead opens your email, track every interaction automatically, and organize all your activities in one place with IMA APPWEB's sales software. Start for free, and upgrade as you grow.

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Ima Appweb's sales tools save time at every stage of the funnel.

Automate Outreach Without Being Impersonal

Queue up a sequence of personalized follow-up emails and reminders that get delivered automatically at the right time.

Create and Share Email Templates

Turn repetitive emails into templates, measure their performance, and share the best ones with your entire team.

Follow Up Flawlessly

Get notified the instant prospects open an email, click a link, or open an attachment for timely, relevant follow-up with the hottest leads.

Land More Meetings

Connect with prospects through live chat on your website, and eliminate back and forth emails and missed calls by sending a link that lets leads pick a meeting time that works for both of you.

Make Deals, Not Data Entries

Eliminate manual entry as every lead’s contact info, email opens, and clicks get logged automatically. Automate time-consuming tasks like lead rotation, task creation, and more.

Track Your Entire Pipeline

Sync with HubSpot CRM Free to track deals won, lost, and in progress, and to see which reps are your best performers (and why).